Parent Guide
We regularly assess each child’s developmental progress and share our findings with you. Our assessment incorporates expectations of typical development as put forth in the Connecticut Early Learning Developmental Standards (CTELDS). Assessments are used in lesson planning to meet the needs of each child. You are welcome to request a conference at any time of the year. Should a concern arise, we will arrange a mutually convenient time to meet and determine a course of action.
Your child can attend on any schedule, space permitting, that meets the needs of your family. Once a schedule is established, we ask that you make every effort to adhere to it for your child's sake. Children have very accurate internal clocks and become distressed easily if you are "late." If you do run late, please give us a call so we can inform your child before she begins to worry.
If we haven't heard from you, we will wait up to thirty minutes after your child's normal pick-up time or at normal closing time before attempting to contact you. At normal closing time, we will make every reasonable effort to reach you or another designated adult before requesting the assistance of the Trumbull Police Department and the State Department of Children and Families.
Babysitting Policy
Cornerstone employees may not be contracted for child care service outside the Center by current clients.
Bedding and Linen
Cornerstone provides complimentary linen service for cot linens, crib sheets, and bibs. Items brought from home should be taken home and laundered weekly.
Cornerstone does not have a breakfast program. Children who are not inclined to have breakfast at home and arrive before 8:00a.m. can bring a simple, nutritious finger foods like Cheerios©, hard cheese and crackers, or fresh sliced fruits packed in disposable containers. Food brought from home must be peanut/nut free. Water and milk are available. If your child is not a breakfast eater do not worry, a nutritious snack is provided at about 9:00a.m. Food iems cannot be stored in cubbies.
Parents are expected to provide sufficient clean, seasonal and size appropriate clothing and undergarments for daily use. Children grow almost overnight so check frequently to be sure that the items you leave at the Center remain ample. Iron-on labels or laundry markers should be used to identify each item with the child’s initials. One complete change of clothing is mandatory. Children in the process of toilet learning should have from three to six full changes of clothing on hand including an extra set of shoes. Be sure to select comfortable clothing that is easy for you to launder and is simple enough to (learn to) put on and take off independently.
The children go outside every day in all weather and require appropriate outerwear. The ability to add or remove a layer for fall/spring works best. Winter coats, hats, snowsuits, boots and mittens are appropriate and for summer send in a sun hat, bathing suit, t-shirt, towel and water shoes. If your child wears boots or sandals to Cornerstone remember to pack a pair of sneakers. All clothing should be stored in your child's cubbie.
Spare clothing is on hand for emergency use. Spare clothing should be laundered and returned the next day your child attends the Center.
Lost & Found Articles
Please label or mark all clothing items and other personal belongings you bring to the Center. Labeled or marked items are difficult to lose. Found articles can be recovered from the lost and found basket centrally located in the PSK room.
Child Abuse Prevention
Abuse and neglect of our nation's children is a serious and highly prevalent problem. Cornerstone endeavors to meet its obligation to protect the children in its care from abuse and neglect in the following ways:
As "mandatory reporters," our staff is trained in child abuse detection and reporting requirements on an annual basis.
We check every child each day upon arrival and seek explanations for injuries and complaints.
Staff are attentive to changes in children's behaviors, moods, attitudes and expressions. Unusual patterns are noted and shared with parents.
We provide an "open care" environment with large rooms, many staff members constantly about, lots of windows, few doors and walls and an "open door policy" with regard to parental visits.
Positive identification is required from any adult entering the premises.
Children may not be removed from the Center except by duly authorized persons who have been positively identified.
We encourage parents to use child safety seats, sunscreens, and appropriate discipline. We advise parents about nutrition, seasonal dress, typical child behavior and development.
We encourage families having difficulties with their children to avail themselves of competent counselling. We provide referrals on request.
Cornerstone is required by state law to report any evidence or suspicion that a child or children are being or have been abused or neglected directly to the state Department of Children and Families. We accept our charter as a "mandatory reporter" without equivocation.
At Cornerstone we believe that self discipline is best. Children in an active, child-driven and engaging program rarely require discipline. Such an environment encourages children to develop respect for others, self-control and social adjustment.
We believe children will develop self discipline if we:
act as we expect them to act
set reasonable and positive expectations
respect their feelings and their need to express them
trust them to succeed
offer them good choices
calmly resolve issues
At Cornerstone we:
recognize and reinforce positive behaviors (all ages)
redirect children to choose alternative choices (especially important for infants and younger toddlers)
initiate problem solving, determine and discuss appropriate behaviors (especially important for older toddlers and Preschool Pre-Kindergarten children.)
Time Out
Time out is the only disciplinary sanction Cornerstone employs. Time out is appropriate for children 2.9 years in age and older only. Time out is not meant to be punitive as much as an opportunity for a child to regain self control. It is done in a non-specific space, aside from the main stream of activities, in the program space or in the office. Time out may only occur under continuous staff supervision and is limited to one minute for each year the child is in age.
Children who are disruptive, violent, crying inconsolably or those who are in the midst of a temper tantrum or other severe behavioral episode will visit in the office under one-on-one visual supervision for the period necessary to achieve control. Regrouping and reentry to group play is often easier without the distraction of an audience.
In the event of recurrent or severe behavioral problems, the teacher contacts the parent to discuss the problem and possible solutions. The Center works with outside experts and the parents to develop a plan to modify the behavior. The Center may refer the family to a behavioral therapist/child psychologist. The Center may require this referral as a condition of continued enrollment.
Prohibited Methods of Discipline
Anything that would cause physical or emotional harm to a child, including but not limited to abusive, neglectful, corporal, humiliating, or frightening punishment, spanking, slapping, pinching, shaking or striking children, and physical restraint, unless such restraint is necessary to protect the health and safety of the child or others is prohibited.
Developmental Needs
We believe that children benefit from interaction with other children. Children with developmental advances, delays and infirmities enjoy and enrich Cornerstone's programs. We regularly assess each child development and share our findings with you. If a concern is noted, a conference is set at a mutually convenient time to determine a course of action which can include a professional evaluation.
Fee Policy
Cornerstone is operated for profit and is supported primarily by parent paid tuition. The Center does not seek to raise funds through solicitation or through events designed exclusively for that purpose. Cornerstone cannot accept monetary donations, gifts-in-kind, commodities or government or charitable grants other than in aid to individual children.
Gradual Entry
Cornerstone’s Gradual Entry experience is designed to gently accustom children and their families to regular attendance to their program, see the program in action, become familiar with the Center and connect with the children and educators in their program.
Parents, guardians and caregivers are encouraged to schedule gradual entry time as close as they can to the child’s actual start date. The number and length of visits are usually a total of two hours in duration over two days. Parents are encouraged to take a passive role in the classroom acting as the child’s home base as they explore their environment. The accompanying adult is welcome to share information and ask questions. We ask that the last hour be spent out of the classroom to allow us to build a trusting relationship and determine what the child will need to be comfortable with your absence. When leaving, the accompanying adult must say with assuredness “goodbye” followed by “I will be back to pick you up!” This exchange will establish trust by doing so shortly after. At no time is the accompanying adult to leave without saying goodbye as it may cause the child undue stress/separation trauma.
Gradual Entry provides time to put clothing into cubbies, identify your child’s mailbox, share the entry code and review how to set up checking in and out on Procare, review paperwork and accounts.
Cornerstone also employs the gradual entry method as the child progresses from one program to the next. As ratio and space permit, the child is welcomed into the group by staff and peers and joins the fun! Parent involvement is not required with this transition since the child and staff are familiar with each other.
A current certificate of good health (not more than twelve months old) signed by the child's physician is required at the time of enrollment. Updated health forms are required annually up to the year the child enters school. Thereafter, the school's requirement for such is satisfactory.
Before attending the Center, enrolled children are required by the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) to have up-to-date immunizations appropriate to their age. When any immunization is received an updated form is to be submitted.
Children new to a child care center or school environment will doubtless contract more frequent colds and other ailments than they would at home. Be prepared for it and be assured that as your child's immunities are strengthened by exposure, episodes of illness will be less frequent.
We require that you inform us whenever you know that your child has been exposed to a contagious disease. Some communicable childhood diseases include covid, chicken pox, German measles, impetigo, fifth disease, measles, mumps, pinkeye, ringworm, scarlet fever, strep throat and whooping cough.
Children should not be brought to the Center, or must be removed immediately, if they have or experience any of the following :
a communicable disease
elevated temperature of 100.4*F or higher* *
nasal discharge (other than clear)
an unidentified rash
reddened eyes
undue irritability or inability to be made comfortable.
started a new medication
* readmission will be permitted 24 hours after the last episode provided no symptom reducing medication has been administered ( * *72 hours during a Pandemic)
If your child is seen by a physician to treat an illness or injury, written authorization is required for your child to return to the Center stating why they were seen, any restrictions or modifications, or is able to resume vigorous activity without harm.
If a child’s good health is in question they should not attend. Should a child become ill during the day they may be isolated from the other children and parent(s) contacted and pick-up arranged within 45 minutes. If needed, a cot will be set up for use in the office or in another isolated area with a staff member present.
Children healthy enough to be at the Center are healthy enough to participate in all aspects of the program including outdoor play. We are unable to honor requests to exclude children from outdoor play.
Respiratory Illness Policy and Procedure
Updated 1/22/25
Respiratory viral diseases include Flu, RSV, COVID-19, Adenoviruses (including bronchitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, acute gastroenteritis, Enterovirus/Rhinovirus (common cold), Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus B19 (Fifths Disease).
We care for infants who cannot be immunized and have immune compromised people in the building. Consequently, our covid/respiratory illness policies are continually in review. Our policies reflect best, current and recommended practices as determined by the OEC, CDC and specific needs of our Center.
Children must remain at home or be picked up if they exhibit respiratory virus symptoms that aren't better explained by another cause. These symptoms can include but are not limited to chest discomfort, chills, cough, decrease in appetite, diarrhea, fatigue (tiredness), fever or feeling feverish, headache, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste or smell, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, vomiting, weakness, wheezing.
Children may return to the Center when all three are true:
Symptom free and
24 hours fever free without the use of symptom reducing medicine and
Able to participate in all activities including going outside.
Medication Policy
No medication, prescription or nonprescription, will be administered to a child without the written consent of a parent and the written order of an authorized prescriber indicating that the medication is for a specific child. The first dose of any medication must be administered by a parent or guardian with no adverse effects prior to the administration of the medication by Center staff.
Per State Day Care Licensing Regulations:
Prescription and Non Prescription Medication Authorization Forms be completed in their entirety*
Medications must be in original, child-resistant, safety container containers
Prescription medications must be accompanied prescription label on the original packaging.
Medications cannot be expired
All medications must be handed off to staff trained in the administration of medication.
*Medications based upon a child’s weight must be accompanied by a Prescription Medication Form completed by a doctor.
There is an individual trained in the administration of medications present whenever a child who has orders to receive medications is present at the facility. This person will have been trained by a physician or a registered nurse in the proper methods of medication administration. No other staff are allowed to accept medications.
Prescription and nonprescription medications must be handed off to the above mentioned staff person. Absolutely no medication may be stored in a child's bag or cubbie.
In the event of a power outage Center personnel is unable to administer medication requiring electricity.
Prescription Medications include but are not limited to:
Oral medications
Topical medications inhalant medications
Injectable medications (in a premeasures, commercially prepared syringe for a child with a medically diagnosed condition who may require emergency treatment
Nonprescription Topical Medications include but are not limited to:
Diaper changing or other ointments free of antibiotic, antifungal or steroidal components
Medicated powders
Teething, gum or lip medications
Non-prescription medications must be in their original containers labeled with the child's name, must be handed to an afore mentioned staff person upon arrival at the Center and may not be stored in a child’s bag or cubbie.
Infants nap on their own schedules. All other children at Cornerstone are given the opportunity to rest and/or sleep for at least one hour and no longer than three hours each day. Children not able to sleep may “read” or (after one hour of rest) engage quietly in activities on their cot until the other children wake. School-agers may spend this quiet time reading their “just right” books or engaged in table games or other quiet activities.
Cornerstone welcomes families of all shapes and sizes. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identification, political affiliation, national or ethnic origin or ability in the administration of our policies or programs.
The children's safety is of paramount importance. Cornerstone's equipment is designed for rugged play and safe use. Supervision is adequate at all times and staff members are well schooled in safety precautions, first aid, CPR and the safe control of groups of young children.
We conduct fire drills regularly and inspect toys and apparatus on a regular schedule.
First aid is always available. Physicians, dentists and hospitals are on call for advice and help and an ambulance service is only moments away. Cornerstone’s Registered Nurse Consultant monitors conditions at the Center and to ensure that our staff consistently uses safe and healthy practices.
Even with the best precautions illnesses and accidents happen; fortunately, most are minor scrapes and bumps, a part of every child's experience growing up. We treat all injuries seriously, even if it amounts only to a hug and reassuring words as treatment. We will inform you of all accidents involving your child of which we are aware, minor ones at pick-up time, those less minor by phone. Accidents, illnesses and injuries are documented. A copy of the report is placed in your child’s mailbox no later than the next business day.
Cornerstone assumes no responsibility for medical expenses a child incurs for injury sustained or illness contracted at the Center. Parents should ensure their child's coverage under an adequate medical insurance plan.
The Center offers every modern safety feature to keep the children safe inside our doors and gates. No child is allowed to open a gate or door. Do permit your child to do so at drop off or pick up. The safety of your child is in your hands. Be certain to have control of them in the driveway, street and parking lot and use appropriate child safety restraint devices in your cars.
Any five day regular schedule is considered full-time. The schedule is firm and families are financially committed to it one month at a time. There is no credit for absences of up to two weeks duration.
Part-time schedules consist of two to four days weekly. The schedule is firm and families are financially committed to it one month at a time. Adding or dropping days is based solely on part-time availability as determined by the Center. There is no credit for absences of up to two weeks duration. Families with children on part-time schedules receive first priority for flex-time availability.
Flex-time (Hourly basis)
Flex-time is an arrangement by which families use available space for their children on a first come, first serve basis. We compute Flex-time charges on an hourly basis for each hour or part of an hour used at rates in effect at that time. You may request available space any time before you need it. Giving us early notice of your needs enhances the likelihood that space will be available. A confirmed Flex-time schedule may be expanded (assuming space is available), changed or canceled up to seven a.m. on the day of planned use without a financial penalty. A child arriving earlier or leaving later than the confirmed time is billed for each of those events that occur.
School Age Care
School Age care (such as school holidays and snow days) are billed weekly at a per day rate (not hourly or fractions thereof). School Age care days are charged for days scheduled whether or not the hours are actually used unless the reserved time is cancelled before 7:00 a.m. on the day for which it was reserved. Space in our School Age care program is on a first come first serve and based upon availability. Sibling discount credit does not apply to School Age care days. Before and/or after school care is billed as flex-time (see above).
Signing In and Out
Parents and caregivers check children in at drop off and check them out at pickup using the Procare app before entering the classrooms or collecting them playgrounds or entering the building. This enables us to have an accurate attendance list as required by the OEC, our licensing agency, to use in the event of an emergency.
Cornerstone provides PABA free SPF 30 sunscreen and staff apply it regularly to children who will be exposed to the sun in our playgrounds provided we have written parental authorization to do so.
Toys and Personal Belongings
Cornerstone provides many interesting and age-appropriate educational toys which are multi-child user-safe. For safety reasons we ask that toys from home stay at home and children over over 13 months of age and older limit naptime comfort items to one small, soft toy that can fit in a shared cubbie. Licensing regulations prohibit in cribs blankets or stuffed items of any type, including those attached to pacifiers, for children age 12 months and younger. We cannot store large personal items, such as car seats, during the day on a regular basis.
Tuition/Payment on Account
Tuition includes all general services and programs available at the Center. Families are notified thirty days prior to the effective date of any changes in tuition, fees or deposits. Payment schedules are Monthly, Bi-monthly, Weekly or Flex-time.
Tuition is due on the 1st and no later than the 5th business day of each month.
Payments can be made using credit card or debit card through Procare with a processing fee of 2.7% + $0.30 per transaction. ACH, personal check, cash, money order or certified check may also be used with no additonal fees.
After the 5th business day, unpaid tuition is considered late and late fees will be begin to incur.
Late tuition and fees can only be paid with cash, money order or certified check, or through Procare as described above.
At our option, no child is admitted beyond the 5th business day of any month without payment in full or a payment plan in place.
Arrangements may be made to pay tuition on a bi-monthly basis. Bi-monthly tuition payments include a 5% processing fee.
Bi-monthly tuition payments are due the 1st and the 15th of each month.
Payments can be made using credit card or debit card through Procare with a processing fee of 2.7% + $0.30 per transaction. ACH, personal check, cash, money order or certified check may also be used with no additonal fees.
Payments not made by the dates/days listed above are considered late and will incur late fees.
Late tuition and fees can only be paid with cash, money order or certified check, or through Procare as described above.
At our option, no child is admitted beyond the 5th or 15th of any month without payment in full or a payment plan in place.
Arrangements may be made to pay tuition on a weekly basis. Weekly tuition payments include a 5% processing fee.
Weekly payments are due the first day the child attends in any week.
Payments can be made using credit card or debit card through Procare with a processing fee of 2.7% + $0.30 per transaction. ACH, personal check, cash, money order or certified check may also be used with no additonal fees.
Payment not made by the day listed above is considered late and will incur late fees.
Late tuition and fees can only be paid with cash, money order or certified check, or through Procare as described above.
At our option, no child is admitted beyond the 1st day of any week without payment in full or a payment plan in place.
Flex-time charges are calculated on an hourly basis only rates in effect at that time. There is no credit for part hour usage.
A child arriving earlier or leaving later than the confirmed time is billed for each of those events that occur on the full hour.
A confirmed Flex-time schedule that is changed or canceled before seven a.m. on the day of planned use will not be charged. Changes or cancellations after seven a.m. will be incur charges for the confirmed times.
Flex-time can be cancelled at the discretion of the Center before seven a.m. on the day of planned use.
Application Fee is a nonrefundable fee that accompanies an application form. The fee covers the process of registration and our gradual entry program.
Registration Fee is an annual, non refundable fee applicable to our Flex-time program.
Returned Check Fee is charged for any check returned to the Center unpaid. Payment is then expected in cash or by certified check or money order on the following business day. We do not redeposit checks returned for insufficient funds. If more than two checks are returned, future payments must be made in cash, by money order, certified check or through Procare only.
ACH Processing Fee is absorbed by the Center.
Returned ACH Fee is charged for insufficient funds or invalid accounts. the payment of this fee is the responsibility of the family.
Credit Card and Debit Card Processing Fee is 2.7% + $0.30 per transaction.
A Nursery deposit of one month’s tuition is required before a child can be admitted to regular care. Nursery deposits are refundable for tuition only. The deposit is applied to the account in a child’s fifteenth month of age or after 30 days written notice of withdrawal. No partial credit is given.
A Summer Camp deposit is required for children over age 3 to hold a spot for the summer months. The deposit is applied to the child’s last, scheduled summer session and forfeited if the last session is changed to an earlier date.
Prorated tuition
Prorated tuition is determined by multiplying the number of days to be used by the Daily Tuition Rate Equivalent. The DTRE is arrived at by multiplying the monthly rate times 110% and dividing the result by the scheduled number of program days that month including holidays.
Children entering or exiting the program on other than the first business day of any month shall have their tuition rates for that month calculated at the Daily Tuition Rate Equivalent times the number of days the child is scheduled to attend that month, or until notice of withdrawal is given.
There is no credit for absences of up to two weeks duration. Children absent for more than two consecutive weeks will be granted a pro-rata credit to the family’s account beginning on the 11th business day.
Prorated Credit/Refunds
Pro-rata credit is calculated for full or partial withdrawals prior to the end of the month or week for which tuition has been paid in full. Credits are posted to accounts on the first of the month following withdrawal. Refunds are made by the 15th day of the month following the withdrawal regardless of the frequency of regular payments.
Tuition Non-Payment
tuition is due immediately in full
late charges will incur
late charges are to be paid in full
payment must be made in cash, by money order, certified check or through Procare
At our option, no child is admitted beyond the fifth calendar day of any month or the first day of any week if tuition remains unpaid unless suitable arrangements have been made in advance.
Delay in Enforcement
Cornerstone can delay enforcing any of its rights or remedies without losing any of them, such as by accepting late payments or partial payments without requiring dismissal of the child. Forbearance on any one payment does not alter its rights on that or any subsequent payment.
Collection Costs
In the event a customer fails to pay all tuition, fees, and/or other charges when due the debt may be turned over to an attorney or collection agency. In such an event, reasonable collection costs, including attorney’s fees and court costs will be expected. Attorney’s fees are payable if the account is referred to an attorney whether or not a lawsuit is filed.
Withdrawal / Re-enrollment / Dismissal
Cornerstone does not require notice in advance of full or partial withdrawal of a child from the Center except in the Infant Program. A family wishing to withdraw from the Infant Program must provide one month notice to not forfeit their nursery deposit.
To temporarily withdraw a child, tuition for the month (or four weeks tuition in the case of weekly payment) of expected return is to be paid in advance of the withdrawal date. In this way, parents guarantee the child's space and avoid having to pay the reenrollment application fee. Tuition paid in this manner is not refundable but is creditable against tuition charges for up to three months beyond the original expected date of return.
Cornerstone reserves the right to dismiss a child from the Center for the following reasons:
non-payment of tuition or fees
incompatibility of the child or parent(s) with the Center's program
noncompliance with Cornerstone policies, procedures or philosophy
noncompliance with Office of Early Childhood Regulations
Dismissals follow thirty days written notice of intent to dismiss from the Center. Dismissals may follow thirty days suspension in lieu of notice.
In the event of dismissal, the entire account balance including unpaid tuition, fees, and other charges herein referenced is immediately due and payable.
In the event of the withdrawal or dismissal of your child the entire account balance including unpaid tuition, fees, and other charges herein referenced is immediately due and payable.